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Relationship between the incidence of HFRS and changes of land-use in Big Three Gorges area of Chongqing

Lei YAN MD, MPH, PhD, Shi-Wen WANG MD, PhD, Yu-Huan REN PhD, Jing ZHANG MD, Pei-Long LI MD, Wei-Zhong YANG MD, PhD, Xin-Li WANG MD, De-Qiang MAO MD,

《医学前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第2期   页码 199-203 doi: 10.1007/s11684-010-0042-5

摘要: After the establishment of big reservoirs, the environment along the Yangtze River, China, has changed. The alterations may influence people’s health. This study intended to find out the relationships between the environmental changes and the incidence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in the Big Three Gorges Area (BTGA) of Chongqing Municipality, China. Land-use thematic maps were applied in the research. The results show that there was a significant relationship between the land-use change in the grass area and the cumulative HFRS incidence (correlation coefficient= − 0.676, = 0.011). In the BTGA, the land was submerged because water filled in the reservoir, and meanwhile, the government called for returning land for farming to forestry. It is concluded that the changes of environment may influence the incidence of HFRS.

关键词: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome     land-use     Big Three Gorges area    



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第6期   页码 14-20



关键词: 长江三峡水库     水库诱发地震     地质灾害    



《中国工程科学》 2012年 第14卷 第11期   页码 13-16



关键词: 三峡库区     生态补偿     对策建议    



《中国工程科学》 2003年 第5卷 第11期   页码 71-74



关键词: 三峡工程     地震     监测    



《中国工程科学》 2004年 第6卷 第6期   页码 26-34


长江三峡大坝座落于黄陵断块南端由闪长花岗岩组成的完整岩体上。黄陵断块作为中国内陆的次级板块具有典型的双层结构(结晶基底和沉积盖层),自印支运动形成以来一直呈持续、缓慢的整体抬升,断块除向东南轻微倾斜外,内部构造变形不明显。断块为多条活动构造所围限,其中近南北向的远安和仙女山两条深大断裂为主要强震发生带。远安断裂带为豫西、鄂西、湘西山地和南阳、江汉、洞庭盆地的一条区域性分界线,全长约1000 km,该断裂带历史上曾发生过两次6.5级地震(常德、南阳),两次地震震中相距约500km;仙女山断裂带沿香溪河向北延伸终止于青峰断裂,向南越过渔洋关后,形迹不明,全长达220 km,该断裂带具有发生6.0级地震的构造条件。大坝可能遭遇到的地震危险主要来自这两条强震发生带,对大坝的影响烈度预计为6°~7°,水平峰值加速度0.1~0.15g。

关键词: 长江三峡大坝     黄陵断块     强震发生带     地壳稳定性    



《中国工程科学》 2006年 第8卷 第8期   页码 1-6



关键词: 流域     水质保护     协调发展     管理体制    


魏复盛,张建辉 ,何立环,王鑫,吴国平,丁中元

《中国工程科学》 2009年 第11卷 第2期   页码 4-9


分析了三峡库区水污染的主要原因,提出三峡水库水污染防治的关键是从源头严格控制和减少污 染物产生量和排放量,指出水污染防治的根本途径是真正落实科学发展观,实现三大战略转变。对已受到污 染的库湾和支流(水华)应采取源头控制、末端治理与生态修复相结合的措施。

关键词: 三峡库区     水污染防治     源头控制     战略转变    

The Environmental Impact of the Three Gorges Project and the Countermeasures

You-mei Lu,Cun-liang Shang

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2014年 第1卷 第2期   页码 120-128 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014019

摘要: The Three Gorges Project (TGP) is a landmark Chinese hydroelectric project with the goal of harnessing the Yangtze River and developing its water resources. Because of its enormous size and far-reaching influence, the project’s impact on the Yangtze River’s original ecological environment has been a concern to many people. This article examines the environmental effects of TGP with regard to reservoir-induced seismicity and bank stability, climate changes, sedimentation and bank erosion, the protection of aquatic species and water quality, and resettlement. Based on the operation monitoring data of TGP in 10 years (2003—2012), this article analyzes the tendency of reservoir-induced seismicity and bank stability, developing trend of sedimentation and bank erosion, the interplay between climate change and TGP, the distribution and cause of water contamination, the situation of aquatic species’ protection and living situation of resettled residents. At the same time, this article lists the comprehensive benefits of TGP in flood control, power generation, shipping, water supply, energy conservation and emission reduction. In the end, the authors deem that there is a dynamic and harmonious relationship between humankind and nature. The cognition about TGP will be progressed in practice, and harmonious relationship between the environment and TGP will be achieved through more practice.

关键词: the Three Gorges Project     ecosystem     aquatic species     water quality     flood control     disaster alleviation     energy saving     emission reduction    

and Innovate Environmental Protection Measures, Promote Green Protection of Cultural Relics in the ThreeGorges Area

Fu-qing Liang,Yong-ping Sun

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2014年 第1卷 第4期   页码 330-335 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014055

摘要: The subject is implementing and innovating environmental protection measures, and promoting green protection of cultural relics in the Three Gorges area. This thesis states its significance and effect in the beginning, and then summarizes seven pieces of main practice, includes five pieces of main effect. In the end, this thesis produces some relevant conclusions and suggestions about the subject.

关键词: environmental science     the Three Gorges cultural relics     innovate environmental protection measures     green protection    

Seasonal variation of nitrogen and phosphorus in Xiaojiang River—A tributary of the Three Gorges Reservoir

Zhe LI , Jinsong GUO , Man LONG , Fang FANG , Jinping SHENG , Hong ZHOU ,

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2009年 第3卷 第3期   页码 334-340 doi: 10.1007/s11783-009-0039-y

摘要: A yearlong monitoring program in the backwater area of Xiaojiang River (XBA) was launched in order to investigate the eutrophication of backwater areas in tributaries of the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) in China, starting after the impoundment water level of the TGR reached 156 m. From March 2007 to March 2008, the average concentration of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were (1553 ± 484) μg·L and (62 ± 31) μg·L, respectively. The mean value of chlorophyll was (9.07 ± 0.91) μg·L. The trophic level of XBA was meso-eutrophic, while the general nutrient limitation was phosphorus. The results indicated that XBA has a strong ability to purify itself and has non-point source pollution from terrestrial runoff. The variation of TN/TP ratio was caused by a variation in TN rather than in TP when TN/TP<22. N-fixation from cyanobacteria occurred and became an important process in overcoming the nitrogen deficit under a low TN/TP ratio. When TN/TP ≥ 22, the variation of TP affected the TN/TP ratio more significantly than TN. The increase of TP in XBA was caused mainly by particulate phosphorus, which could originate from a non-point source as adsorptive inorganic forms after heavy rainfall and surface runoff. An increase in the river’s flow could also contribute to an unstable environment for the growth of phytoplankton.

关键词: Three Gorges Reservoir     eutrophication     nitrogen     phosphorus     seasonal variation     chlorophyll    



《中国工程科学》 2011年 第13卷 第7期   页码 61-65


三峡枢纽自2003年初步蓄水以来,工程建设进度、库区移民安置、地质灾害治理等较初步设计有所提前,泥沙淤积情况明显好于预期,三峡枢纽提前实现了分期蓄水目标。同时,随着运行条件的变化,三峡水库在汛限水位浮动、中小洪水调度、提前蓄水等方面进行了优化调度尝试,取得了较好的防洪、抗旱、航运、供水、生态等综合效益。尤其是2010年,汛期三峡水库实施了中小洪水调度,拦蓄洪量达到266亿m3,洪水资源利用充分;汛末采取了蓄水与汛期防洪运用相结合的方式,进一步利用汛末洪水资源,首次实现了175 m蓄水目标,枢纽开始全面发挥正常运行期的综合效益。

关键词: 运行调度     三峡枢纽    

Long-Term Performance and Microstructural Characterization of Dam Concrete in the Three Gorges Project

Chen Lyu,Cheng Yu,Chao Lu,Li Pan,Wenwei Li,Jiaping Liu,

《工程(英文)》 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.04.017

摘要: This study investigates the long-term performance of laboratory dam concrete in different curing environments over ten years and the microstructure of 17-year-old laboratory concrete and actual concrete cores drilled from the Three Gorges Dam. The mechanical properties of the laboratory dam concrete, whether cured in natural or standard environments, continued to improve over time. Furthermore, the laboratory dam concrete exhibited good resistance to diffusion and a refined microstructure after 17 years. However, curing and long-term exposure to the local natural environment reduced the frost resistance. Microstructural analyses of the laboratory concrete samples demonstrated that moderate-heat cement and fine fly ash (FA) particles were almost fully hydrated to form compact microstructures consisting of large quantities of homogeneous C-(A)-S-H gels and a few crystals. No obvious interfacial transition zones were observed in the microstructure owing to the long-term pozzolanic reaction. This dense and homogenous microstructure was the crucial reason for the excellent long-term performance of the dam concrete. A high FA volume also played a significant role in the microstructural densification and performance growth of dam concrete at a later age. The concrete drilled from the dam surface exhibited a loose microstructure with higher microporosity, indicating that concrete directly exposed to the actual service environment suffered degradation caused by water and wind attacks. In this study, both macro performance and microstructural analyses revealed that the application of moderate-heat cement and FA resulted in a dense and homogenous microstructure, which ensured the excellent long-term performance of concrete from the Three Gorges Dam after 17 years. Long-term exposure to an actual service environment may lead to microstructural degradation of the concrete surface. Therefore, the retained long-term dam concrete samples need to be further researched to better understand its microstructural evolution and development of its properties.

关键词: Three Gorges Dam     Long-term performance     Microstructural analysis     Moderate-heat cement     Fly ash    



《中国工程科学》 2003年 第5卷 第5期   页码 31-34


针对三峡水库开县淹没区淹没损失大,同时鉴于原研究的大防护方案被否定和分块小防护方案并不完全有效,提出了泄水拦沙淤地还田方案。方案如实现后可保护淹没耕地 2520hm2(3.78万亩),新增河滩地733.3 hm2(1.1万亩),能基本补偿开县全部淹没土地3353.3 hm2(5.03万亩)。该方案的指导思想具有新意,一方面是顺应流水的规律,不予堵截;另一方面又将泥沙看成一种资源,拦沙造地,抬高地面高程,便于修堤防护,而且将原土地改造成旱涝保丰收的良田,能做到长治久安。该方案造价低,效益好,而且具有一般性。

关键词: 淹没区     防护     泄水拦沙     淤地    



《中国工程科学》 2008年 第10卷 第12期   页码 17-23



关键词: 长江三峡工程     工程项目管理     三峡总公司    

Probabilistic model for vessel-bridge collisions in the Three Gorges Reservoir

Bo GENG , Hong WANG , Junjie WANG ,

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2009年 第3卷 第3期   页码 279-285 doi: 10.1007/s11709-009-0044-z

摘要: Based on a field observation on vessel transit path of three bridges over the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges Reservoir, and an analysis of the geometric probabilistic model of transiting vessels in collision probability calculation, the aberrancy angle and vessel velocity probabilistic model related with impact force, a probabilistic model is established and also verified by goodness-of-fit test. The vessel transit path distribution can be expressed by the normal distribution model. For the Three Gorges Reservoir, the mean and standard deviation adopt 0.2 and 0.1, respectively ( is the channel width). The aberrancy angle distribution of vessels accepts maximum I distribution model, and its distribution parameters can be taken as 0.314 and 4.354. The velocity distribution of up-bound and down-bound vessels can also be expressed by the normal distribution model.

关键词: vessel-bridge collision     probabilistic model     parameter statistics    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Relationship between the incidence of HFRS and changes of land-use in Big Three Gorges area of Chongqing

Lei YAN MD, MPH, PhD, Shi-Wen WANG MD, PhD, Yu-Huan REN PhD, Jing ZHANG MD, Pei-Long LI MD, Wei-Zhong YANG MD, PhD, Xin-Li WANG MD, De-Qiang MAO MD,


















魏复盛,张建辉 ,何立环,王鑫,吴国平,丁中元


The Environmental Impact of the Three Gorges Project and the Countermeasures

You-mei Lu,Cun-liang Shang


and Innovate Environmental Protection Measures, Promote Green Protection of Cultural Relics in the ThreeGorges Area

Fu-qing Liang,Yong-ping Sun


Seasonal variation of nitrogen and phosphorus in Xiaojiang River—A tributary of the Three Gorges Reservoir

Zhe LI , Jinsong GUO , Man LONG , Fang FANG , Jinping SHENG , Hong ZHOU ,





Long-Term Performance and Microstructural Characterization of Dam Concrete in the Three Gorges Project

Chen Lyu,Cheng Yu,Chao Lu,Li Pan,Wenwei Li,Jiaping Liu,








Probabilistic model for vessel-bridge collisions in the Three Gorges Reservoir

Bo GENG , Hong WANG , Junjie WANG ,
